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Paraben Forensics

Porn Detection Stick
Porn Detection Stick
Porn Detection Stick

Illicit Image Detection

Find Pornographic Images on Your Computer

Paraben's Porn Detection Stick is a thumb drive device that will search through all the images on your computer, scan them for pornographic content, and create a report of suspected pornographic images.

Product Features

  • Portable - Because the porn detection software is embedded in a USB thumb drive, you can easily take it anywhere and use it on any computer you own.
  • Fast - A search of a 500 GB hard drive with over 70,000 images takes only about an hour and a half. Imagine how much time it would take you to manually find and search that many images.
  • Accurate - The Porn Detection Stick uses advanced image analyzing algorithms that categorize images as potentially harmful by identifying facial features, flesh tone colors, image back grounds, body part shapes, and more. With less than 1% false positive indications, your search for contamination on your computer won't waste your time.

For more information, please visit www.paraben-sticks.com.

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